Project News Detail

Project No :165982
Project Title :Power Plant Project In India
Company Name : Bedmutha Industries Limited
Project Detail :Share price of Bedmutha Industries touched 52-week high of Rs 49, rises more than 11 percent intraday Monday as it has received letter of award worth Rs 198 crore

The company has received letter of award (LOA) from MP Poorve Keshtra Vidyut Vitaran worth of Rs 198 crore

The order includes supply of materials, surveys, installation, testing and commissioning of Rural Electrification works of new 33/11 kV substation, augmentation/additional power transformer in existing 33/11 KV S/S 33 and 11kV bay extension, construction / augmentation of 33kV lines, 11 kV & LT line, installation / augmentation of distribution transformer, shifting/ replacement of existing / stop defective meters and providing new service connection to BPL/APL consumers spread all over the districts

The aggregate amount of all the tenders is Rs 198.61 crore

Project Location : Not Classified - Not Classified - india
Project Industry :Power Plant
Project Estimation :INR 198 Cr / INR 1.98 Bn
Status :Announced